Local owners live, work and raise their families in the markets that the company service. The owners and the people they employee are proudly local.
We’re a company that doesn’t shy away from messy work. We work every day to bring great service into the communities that we serve.
We buy local. We hire local. We celebrate local, every single day.
Local means going above and beyond to help our customers because they are our neighbours, and investing our dollars back into our communities where we call home.
The owners have managed 100’s of millions of dollars in revenue across multiple businesses
But most importantly, the Local Waste Founders believe deeply in the positive outcomes associated with active community involvement and engagement.
A culture of honesty, straight-talk, and speaking truth to power.
We always remember the person when dealing with clients and the people who support us.
We commit to superior safety systems and sending our staff home safely, every day.
Everyone benefits from opportunities created from growth, and we won’t be limited by constraints.
If culture eats strategy for breakfast, you’ll find us always happily making omelettes.
in revenue
five star experiences